Best Way to Pick an Engagement Ring for Her

Engagement Ring in Raleigh

Engagement ring in Raleigh NC

They say, ‘diamonds are a girl’s best friend.’ And for your beautiful girl, an engagement ring will sum up
a perfect proposal.

However, before you figure out how you are gon’ go down on one knee and pop the question…before
you pick a perfect swanky restaurant where you’d completely take her by surprise…BEFORE you even
set the tone with some romance or laughter, you must first have a beautiful engagement ring!

Hunt for one, perhaps Google up an ‘Engagement Ring in Raleigh’ or wherever you come from or
physically visit our fine Jewelry store in North Raleigh.

If buying an engagement ring will be your first outing in a jewelry shop, then be ready to be gobsmacked
with terms, you’ve never heard before. Cut, color, clarity, size; Eternity band, Bezel, Pave’ etc.

In your mind, you will ask yourself such questions as ‘how do I know I’m getting a fair price for my
engagement ring diamond?. Or, ‘how will I tell if a diamond is real or fake?’
But buying an engagement ring in Raleigh NC or anywhere, whether online or physically shouldn’t feel

How to tell that you are getting a fair price when buying a diamond engagement ring?

Engagement Ring Raleigh

Diamonds are priced on a “price per carat” basis, whereby: Cost = Carat Weight x Diamond Price Per
Carat, as per price guides by Rappaport and INDEX.
However, since there’s no magic formula for calculating fair prices for diamond rings, you can compare
quotes from different jewelers.

How to tell if a diamond is real or fake?

There are at least 7 ways of testing diamonds. The simplest and perhaps what you can do right now is a
water test. However, to be safe, find a diamond expert who will use the right equipment to confirm
whether it’s real or fake.

What’s more important in a diamond: Cut, Color, Clarity, or Size?

This basically looks at the 4Cs of diamonds and what each C stands for. If you are wondering whether all
the four are important, then you may have to consider their essence in a diamond. Color and clarity are
perhaps the most important, although they stand for nothing without the other two.

Can a diamond engagement ring be restyled?


Ring resetting is a norm. It does happen after years of getting bored with the ring, in an event of a divorce, or when the ring was an inheritance. Or maybe, if the ring was badly damaged and needs to be spruced up a bit.

One thing with diamond ring resetting and the various options available is that its resale goes down
significantly. Resetting is also a subject of appraisal and lots of paperwork, while the cost usually varies
according to several factors. Last, resetting is a risky affair and may damage the diamonds.

What’s the best way to clean a piece of diamond jewelry?

A diamond ring, like any piece of jewelry, tends to get dirty and lose its grandeur. And the best way to
bring back its sparkle is to clean it regularly. At home, you can use ordinary dishwashing soap, warm
water, and a soft-bristle toothbrush or a piece of cotton wool, and wash it at least once a week.

You can alternatively go to your jeweler, especially if it needs professional cleaning. If you have never
cleaned one, beware of the chemicals and detergents that could damage its sparkle. Don’t use any bleach,
chlorine, and acetone, or pretty much any abrasive products, including toothpaste and baking soda.

How to choose a perfect diamond engagement ring for your

Engagement Ring Raleigh

1. Set your Budget

It would be a huge offense to go shopping for an engagement ring in Raleigh NC or just about anywhere
without planning the maximum you can spend. Even if you would like to buy one worth your 2 months’
salary set your budget.

Ask around from your friends, relatives, or colleagues so that you figure out how much you are gon’
need. You could even use the web, seek recommendations from social media, or go on a window-
shopping spree.

The essence of setting a budget before buying her a diamond ring is to ensure you don’t get ripped off.
Furthermore, you’ve got to remember that it’s just an engagement ring – soon you will hunt for a wedding
ring, and possibly choose an exotic honeymooning destination.

2. Research a Style

This should be the most complex stage in your hunt, especially if you are planning to keep your intentions
secret. But with some ingenuity, wit, and curiosity, you will nail it and buy her favorite diamond ring.
And so, to pick one that will score you huge romance points and get her to say ‘Yes,’ first analyze her
style and preferences.

Be particularly keen on her jewelry and other accessories, including her favorites. Take a couple of
pictures of them, including their side stone settings, types of solitaire rings she owns, and her other

Alternatively, involve her best friend, her mom, sister, cousin; just anyone she’s the closest to. Chances
are that she could know her favorite engagement ring. Women usually know how to narrow down styles,
and this could also be a perfect opportunity to nail it on a perfect diamond ring for her.

What if you are going for the most popular style of an engagement ring?

There’s no offense taking her to a jewelry store, even if you don’t want her to know your intentions. You
can go under a different pretext – like, when you are taking her to choose her dress or when you are
looking to buy a new shoe, and notice the type of rings she asks for.

Another tip to consider when searching for a beautiful engagement ring to buy is her personality. Maybe
she prefers a particular cut. Or, her favorites are the big, glitzy, and sparkly variety.

If your girl is a silent, down-to-earth queen and you would still want her to don a gold, sapphire, or
diamond engagement ring, simply choose a simple, beautiful piece. Basically, if she’s into simple fashion,
pick a ring that’s clean and simple without lots of ornamentation.

For a girl that dresses in the latest fashion, a trendy engagement ring would be a perfect fit. However, if
she loves vintage dresses and antique furniture, ask the jeweler to pick a good vintage ring for her.

Lastly, don’t forget to consult the internet. Pinterest can be one great resource to get diamond
engagement ring ideas from. Instagram also comes in handy when it comes to jewelry ideas in general.

3. Know her Ring Size

After you’ve known her favorite type of ring, don’t rush into buying it. Ring size is where men mostly go
wrong. They pick a perfect engagement ring in Raleigh NC for her, purchase it, and plan a suitable
moment to propose, only to discover that it doesn’t fit in snugly.

To avoid such embarrassments, only order when you know her ring size. And the simplest way to know it
is by ‘stealing’ one of her favorites and taking it to the jeweler to be measured.

You can sneak into her jewelry box and steal it, or ask her friend to fetch one for you. The main idea here
is to pick a ring she seldom wears and return it as soon as it’s back from the jeweler.

4. Select a Quality Diamond for the Ring

Since you are buying a diamond engagement ring in Raleigh NC, or at a nearby jewelry shop, make sure
you pick one that your other half will be dying to flaunt. Essentially, consider one that satisfies the 4Cs
(Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight) of diamonds.

On top of the 4Cs, you might have to consider the diamond’s shape. If, from all her rings, you noticed
that she loves a particular shape, don’t buy one that’s different from them. Diamond rings come in a
plethora of shapes – pearl, oval, round, princess, heart, etc.

There’s also the ring’s setting (how the diamond is placed on the ring). You could go for Malay’s
timeless and classic look, opt for Eternity band, choose a Bezel setting, or Pave’ or simply go with Channel setting.

But don’t forget the most crucial steps

There are a few vital details you can’t afford to ignore when choosing an ideal engagement ring for your
lover. Even if you’ve settled for an engagement ring in Raleigh NC or anywhere, setting is everything.
Pay close attention to the various setting options on offer.

Also, choose a good shape for her diamond engagement ring. Just like setting, the shape will never be
changed once it’s on her finger. Go for a style she will find most comfortable and won’t have to pull out
of her finger when no one’s watching.

Most importantly, choose her an engagement ring that she will always look and feel decadent and
glamorous with. Don’t go for a type that’s too obvious, ordinary, and unexciting. Ask the jeweler to
spruce it up a little!

Mansoor Hameed

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